Our Top Commercial HVAC Services in Palm Desert, CA

PB Mechanical Air • Jun 07, 2023

For employees to remain comfortable and productive, it’s important that your commercial HVAC system is doing its part to create optimal working conditions. At PB Mechanical Air Services, our local HVAC company specializes in commercial HVAC service in the greater Palm Desert area. Here’s a quick overview of our top commercial HVAC services in the Coachella Valley. 

Commercial AC Installation 

When the desert sun is blazing, it’s crucial that your office has an AC system that will keep your staff consistently cool. Whether you need to replace an old faltering AC system or need new AC for a new commercial building, we can expertly handle the job. One ton of AC will usually cool about 600 square feet, but the office’s features and dimensions will also factor into this equation.

Commercial AC Repair 

Signs that you may need AC repair include leaks, musty odors, and grinding or squealing sounds. At the first indication of AC trouble, it’s best to get an inspection before the problem gets worse.

Commercial Ductwork

A thorough duct cleaning will remove germs and allergens, giving your workplace cleaner air. And if your ductwork has become damaged or is undersized, our crew can promptly fix the problem and ensure optimal air duct efficiency.

Commercial Refrigeration

If your workplace relies on refrigeration to keep business moving smoothly, then you’ll want to know who to call when trouble arises. Our Palm Springs HVAC technicians are experts at fixing commercial refrigeration problems, whether for restaurants or medical facilities.

Commercial Heating System Service

Before winter comes back around and chilly desert nights return, you’ll want to make sure your building’s heating system is working efficiently so that night shift employees are able to stay comfortable. At PB Mechanical, our crew has ample experience with commercial heating systems. 

Commercial HVAC in Palm Desert, CA

When you need commercial HVAC services in Palm Desert and the surrounding area, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Our nearby HVAC company can expertly address your business’ heating or cooling needs. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment! 

By PB Mechanical Air 24 Apr, 2024
As spring temperatures start to soar, so does our reliance on air conditioning to keep our homes comfortable. And with summer approaching, it’s worth finding ways to keep your AC expenses lower. One thing you can do is make sure that your AC is functioning at optimal efficiency. Our team at PB Mechanical Air Services can conduct maintenance that helps to ensure your AC is functioning efficiently and not contributing to unnecessarily high energy bills. Here’s a look at four tips for reducing your AC expenses. Optimize Your Thermostat Settings One of the simplest yet most effective ways to reduce your ACg costs is to optimize your thermostat settings. A difference of just a few degrees can translate into significant energy savings. Also, consider investing in a programmable or smart thermostat, which allows you to create customized cooling schedules that align with your daily routine. By avoiding unnecessary cooling when you're not home, you can trim your energy consumption and lower your bills. Maximize Natural Ventilation Take advantage of natural ventilation to cool your home without relying solely on your air conditioning system. Open windows and doors during cooler parts of the day, such as early morning and late evening, to allow fresh air to circulate throughout your living space. Use blinds or curtains to block out direct sunlight, which can significantly reduce indoor temperatures. Ceiling fans are also a cost-effective way to enhance airflow and create a gentle breeze, making you feel cooler without lowering the thermostat. Improve Home Insulation and Sealing Inefficient insulation and air leaks can undermine your efforts to keep cool, while driving up your air conditioning bills. Evaluate your home for areas where air may be escaping, such as around windows and doors, as well as gaps in insulation in attics. Seal any cracks or gaps to prevent cool air from leaking out and warm air from infiltrating your home. Keep Your HVAC System Well-Maintained Proper maintenance is essential for ensuring that your air conditioning system operates efficiently and cost-effectively. Regularly clean or replace air filters to prevent dust and debris from clogging the system, which can impede airflow and force the unit to work harder. It’s also smart to schedule professional maintenance to inspect and tune up your HVAC system. A well-maintained AC system performs better and consumes less energy, resulting in lower utility bills. AC Service in Palm Springs, CA For AC service in Palm Springs or Palm Desert, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
By PB Mechanical Air 18 Mar, 2024
With spring’s arrival and temperatures rising, air conditioners are essential for keeping the heat in check. However, like any other appliance, air conditioners can encounter problems that may compromise their efficiency or even lead to breakdowns. Identifying these issues early can potentially save you from discomfort and more expensive repairs. At PB Mechanical Air Services, we provide expert AC repair in the greater Palm Springs area. Here are four indications of AC trouble. Weak Airflow One of the most noticeable signs of trouble is weak airflow from your vents. If you notice that the air coming out of your vents is not as strong as it used to be, it could indicate a problem with your AC system. This issue can be caused by a variety of factors, including clogged air filters, blocked ducts, or malfunctioning fan motors. Strange Noises While it's normal for air conditioners to make some noise during operation, loud or unusual sounds can be a cause for concern. Banging, clanking, hissing, or squealing noises coming from your AC unit could indicate a range of issues, such as loose parts, damaged components, or a failing compressor. Ignoring these noises can lead to further damage and may result in a breakdown. It's crucial to address strange sounds promptly by scheduling a professional inspection and repair. Foul Odors Unpleasant odors coming from your air conditioner are another sign of potential trouble. Musty or moldy smells often indicate the presence of mold or mildew within the system, which can negatively impact indoor air quality and trigger respiratory issues. Also, burning odors may suggest electrical problems or overheating components. In either case, it's essential to address the source of the odor promptly to prevent health or safety hazards. Leaks or Moisture The presence of water or moisture around your air conditioning unit is never a good sign and should be addressed promptly. Problems such as leaking refrigerant or clogged condensate drains can manifest as moisture buildup or leaks around the AC unit. These issues compromise system performance and can lead to water damage, mold growth, and indoor air quality problems. AC Repair in Palm Springs, CA For AC repair in Palm Springs or Palm Desert, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Our nearby HVAC company can expertly address your residential or commercial HVAC needs. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
By PB Mechanical Air 19 Feb, 2024
The air we breathe plays a crucial role in our overall well-being, yet many homeowners overlook a critical component of indoor air quality - their air ducts. These often-neglected passages circulate air throughout your home, and over the years, they can accumulate dust, debris, and even mold. At PB Mechanical Air Services, we provide expert air duct cleaning in Palm Desert that can significantly enhance your home’s air quality. Here are four benefits of professional air duct cleaning. Improved Indoor Air Quality One of the primary benefits of cleaning your air ducts is the significant improvement in indoor air quality. Eventually, substantial amounts of dust, pet dander, pollen, and other airborne contaminants can accumulate in your ductwork. Every time your HVAC system kicks in, these particles are circulated throughout your home. Regular air duct cleaning helps remove these pollutants, ensuring that the air you breathe is cleaner and healthier. This is particularly important for people with allergies, asthma, or respiratory issues. Enhanced HVAC System Efficiency When dust and debris build up in your air ducts, they can restrict the airflow, forcing your HVAC system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. This increased strain not only reduces the system's efficiency but also contributes to higher energy bills. Eliminate Unpleasant Odors Your air ducts can accumulate a variety of unpleasant odors, including cooking smells, pet odors, and even the scent of cleaning products. These odors can linger in your home, affecting its overall freshness. Cleaning your air ducts can remove a major source of these odors, providing a cleaner and more pleasant indoor environment. This is particularly beneficial for households with pets or a history of smoking. Healthier & Cleaner Living Environment The cleanliness of your air ducts directly impacts the overall health of your home. By removing contaminants and improving indoor air quality, you create a healthier living environment for you and your family. Also dirty air ducts can blow a lot of dust onto furniture and appliances. When this dust is removed during a professional cleaning, you promote a cleaner home. Air Duct Cleaning in Palm Desert, CA For ductwork cleaning and repair in Palm Desert and the surrounding area, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Our local HVAC company can expertly address your residential or commercial HVAC needs. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
By PB Mechanical Air 23 Jan, 2024
A healthy HVAC system enables a comfortable indoor environment, and the air ducts are a vital component of this system. As they age, air ducts may start to show signs of wear and tear, potentially leading to various issues. At PB Mechanical Air Services, our local HVAC technicians are experts at identifying and resolving ductwork problems. Here are five signs of faulty air ducts. Inconsistent Temperature Distribution In many cases, one of the first signs of failing air ducts is uneven temperature distribution throughout your home. If certain rooms feel warmer or colder than others, it could indicate leaks or blockages in the ductwork. These issues compromise the system's efficiency, making it challenging to maintain a consistent and comfortable temperature. Increased Energy Bills If you notice a sudden and unexplained spike in your monthly expenses, it could be a result of failing air ducts. Leaks and obstructions force your HVAC system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature, leading to increased energy consumption and higher bills. Unusual Odors Foul or musty odors coming from your vents are a clear indication that something is amiss with your air ducts. Mold growth, pest infestations, or accumulated debris can cause these unpleasant smells. Regularly inspecting and cleaning your ductwork can help prevent these issues and improve the indoor air quality. Visible Signs of Duct Damage Cracks, holes, or loose connections are signs of structural damage that can compromise the system's efficiency. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent further damage and maintain optimal airflow. Unusual Sounds from the Ducts Strange noises—such as rattling, whistling, or banging—coming from your ductwork are clear indications of trouble. These sounds may result from loose components, debris, or even critters within the ducts. Prompt investigation and repairs can prevent further damage and ensure your HVAC system operates quietly. Air Duct Repair & Cleaning in Palm Springs, CA When you need help with ductwork in Palm Springs or Palm Desert, CA, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Our nearby HVAC company can expertly address your residential or commercial HVAC needs. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
By PB Mechanical Air 15 Dec, 2023
Your furnace plays a crucial role in keeping your home warm and comfortable during the colder months. However, like any other appliance, it has a lifespan, and there comes a time when replacement becomes necessary. Ignoring the signs of a failing furnace can lead to increased energy bills, compromised safety, and a decline in overall comfort. At PB Mechanical Air Services, we provide expert furnace replacement in the greater Palm Desert, CA area. Here’s a look at five indications that you need to replace your furnace. Increasing Energy Bills There’s cause for concern if you’ve noticed a steady rise in your heating bills without a corresponding increase in furnace usage. This could be a sign that your furnace is losing efficiency. As furnaces age, they often become less energy-efficient, causing them to work harder to produce the same amount of heat. Investing in a newer, more energy-efficient model can result in substantial savings on your monthly energy costs. Frequent Repairs If you find yourself regularly calling in the repair technician, it might be more cost-effective to replace your furnace. Continuous repairs can add up quickly, and at some point, you may find yourself spending more on fixing an old unit than investing in a new, reliable furnace. Old Age The age of your furnace is a significant factor in its performance. On average, furnaces last between 15 to 20 years. If your furnace is approaching or has surpassed this timeframe, it may be more cost-effective to replace it rather than continuing with frequent repairs. Newer models are designed to be more energy-efficient, which can lead to long-term savings on your utility bills. Strange Noises Unusual sounds coming from your furnace, such as banging, rattling, or squealing, are clear indications of underlying issues. These noises can be caused by worn-out or damaged components, and addressing them through repairs might only offer a temporary solution. Carbon Monoxide Concerns Safety should always be a top priority. If you notice any signs of a carbon monoxide leak, such as yellow pilot lights, soot around the furnace, or symptoms like dizziness and nausea, it's critical to address the issue immediately. Older furnaces may have a higher risk of developing such problems. Upgrading to a newer model with advanced safety features can better protect your household from potential hazards. Furnace Replacement in Palm Desert For furnace services in Palm Desert and Palm Springs, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
By PB Mechanical Air 17 Nov, 2023
As winter sets in and overnight temperatures in the Coachella Valley get quite chilly, heating expenses tend to shoot upward. However, there are several practical and cost-effective ways to keep your home warmer without breaking the bank. One thing you can do is schedule professional HVAC maintenance to ensure that your heating system is functioning with optimal efficiency. At PB Mechanical Air Services, we provide expert heating system service in the greater Palm Desert area. Here are six tips for keeping your heating bill lower during winter. Seal Leaks and Drafts Drafts around windows and doors can significantly contribute to heat loss. Invest some time and money in sealing gaps and cracks with weatherstripping or caulk. By preventing drafts, you'll retain more warmth inside your home. Optimize Insulation Adequate insulation is crucial for maintaining a comfortable temperature indoors. Check your home's insulation, especially in the attic. Upgrading insulation can be a one-time expense that pays off in long-term energy savings. Install a Programmable Thermostat A programmable thermostat allows you to set different temperatures for various times of the day. Lower the temperature when you're away or sleeping and increase it when you're at home. This simple adjustment can lead to substantial energy savings. Use Curtains and Blinds Wisely Open curtains and blinds during the day to let sunlight in and naturally warm your home. Close them at night to provide an additional layer of insulation against the cold. Invest in Area Rugs Cold floors can make your home feel chillier than it actually is. Invest in area rugs to add an extra layer of insulation and keep your feet warm. This can be a simple and stylish way to make your living spaces cozier. Regular HVAC Maintenance Schedule regular maintenance for your heating system to ensure it operates efficiently. Replace air filters as recommended, and check for any issues that might be causing your system to work harder than necessary. Heating System Service in Palm Desert, CA When you need HVAC service in Palm Desert and the Coachella Valley, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Our local HVAC company can expertly handle your heating and cooling needs. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
By PB Mechanical Air 18 Oct, 2023
Winter is just around the corner. Before the lowest overnight temperatures arrive, you’ll want to make sure that your furnace is functioning reliably. If your furnace has any issues, then you should call in for professional assistance before the problem escalates. At PB Mechanical Air Services, our local HVAC company provides expert furnace repair in the greater Palm Springs area. Here’s a look at four common furnace problems. Failing Blower Belt If your furnace has a faulty blower belt, then you might hear a squealing sound. A failing blower belt can cause problems with the fan. Standard wear and tear can cause blower belts to wear down to the point that they break or fray. A bad blower belt typically needs to be replaced rather than repaired. Discolored Pilot Light If your pilot light is burning any color other than bright blue, then an HVAC technician should inspect the matter. A pilot light that is a different color could mean that there’s an excessive amount of carbon monoxide. If the flame is yellow or orange, then you could be dealing with inefficient burning as a result of there not being an adequate oxygen level. Damaged Heat Exchanger A healthy heat exchanger does the important job of safely keeping the combustion process apart from your breathing air. Heath exchangers are known to sometimes crack because of overheating, which then necessitates replacement. Clogged Filter A clogged filter can reduce intake to the point that your furnace no longer works efficiently. When you’re regularly using your furnace during the winter months, it’s best to change out your filter every month. Heating System Repair in Palm Springs, CA When you need HVAC services in Palm Springs or Palm Desert, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Our local HVAC company can expertly handle your heating and cooling needs. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
By PB Mechanical Air 13 Sep, 2023
At PB Mechanical Air Services, our local HVAC technicians can expertly handle your residential or commercial heating/cooling needs. And we’re more than happy to answer any of your HVAC questions. Here are some of the frequently asked questions about HVAC. How often do HVAC filters need to be replaced? You’ll want to replace disposable HVAC filters at least every three months. During periods of heavy HVAC use, filters should be replaced on a monthly basis. Also, it’s a good idea to clean reusable filters every month. This will help to optimize indoor air quality. Why should I install a heat pump? Ductless heat pumps provide both heating and cooling, helping to improve efficiency by providing both of these needs within one unit. In certain situations, heat pumps can be more affordable to install because they don’t require ducts. They consist of an outdoor compressor unit and one (or more) indoor air handling units. These components are linked by a refrigerant line. This provides efficient zonal heating and cooling. Why should I install a programmable thermostat? With a programmable thermostat, you’ll be able to easily establish an automatic heating/cooling schedule that aligns with your family’s daily routine and temperature preferences. With your heating/cooling set on autopilot in this way, it’s unlikely that you’ll be running your HVAC system during times when it should be off. This will save money on your energy bills and prevent excessive wear and tear on your HVAC system. Why is it important to clean air ducts? Ductwork collects dust, allergens, and harmful germs. When the HVAC system is running, these air pollutants are sent into the home’s occupied spaces, where they are inhaled, potentially causing respiratory issues. A thorough professional duct cleaning will eliminate these contaminants, providing you healthier air to breathe, while also helping to keep your home cleaner because less dust will be settling on your floors and furnishings. Where can I get top-quality HVAC service in Palm Desert, CA? When you need HVAC services in Palm Desert or Palm Springs, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Our local HVAC company can expertly address your heating and cooling needs. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
By PB Mechanical Air 08 Aug, 2023
Heat pumps do the work of both AC units and furnaces. As dual functioning mechanisms, heat pumps endure significant stress, which can lead to problems developing. When you first notice a symptom of heat pump trouble, you’ll want to have an experienced HVAC technician take a look. At PB Mechanical Air Services, our local HVAC company specializes in heat pump repair and installation in the greater Palm Desert area. Here are four signs of a heat pump problem. Bad Odors A burning smell is particularly concerning because you may have an electrical malfunction that is creating a fire hazard. If you notice a burning odor, you’ll want to turn off your heat pump and have an HVAC technician conduct an inspection. With a musty odor, mold could be a problem. And with a rotting stench, a small animal may have died in your unit. Poor Airflow Clogged filters and dirty coils are two issues that can cause weak airflow. But there’s also a chance that you’re dealing with blower motor trouble, which is the kind of problem that typically requires professional attention. Abnormal Sounds If you hear a bubbling sound, then you could have a coolant leak. With a rattling noise, a fan belt may be loose. And if you hear a screeching noise, then there’s a good chance that the central air fan motor isn’t sufficiently lubricated. Increase in Energy Bills When a heat pump is struggling to heat up or cool down the home, it’s liable to use more power as it attempts to do its job. In turn, this can cause your energy bills to spike, meaning you should call in a technician to diagnose the underlying issue with your heat pump. Heat Pump Repair & Installation in Palm Desert, CA When you need HVAC services in Palm Desert and Palm Springs, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Our local HVAC company can expertly handle your residential or commercial heating and cooling needs. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
By PB Mechanical Air 11 Jul, 2023
Once again, summer weather is here and the thermometer is spiking. Whether at home or the office, you rely on your AC to keep the building at a safely cool temperature. It’s a good idea to get semi-annual HVAC maintenance, which will help to ensure that your HVAC system functions efficiently. However, even if you keep up with maintenance, significant problems with your AC might still develop. The important thing is that you call in an HVAC professional when you first notice signs of an air conditioner problem . At PB Mechanical Air Services, our local HVAC company specializes in AC repair in the greater Palm Desert, CA area. There are certain basic steps we follow to help ensure that AC repairs are done properly and in a time-efficient manner. The crucial first step is that we complete accurate diagnostics. When you first notice a sign of AC trouble—such as strange noises or excessive moisture—you’ll want to have us come over to conduct diagnostics. We use our experience along with technologically advanced equipment to make sure we correctly identify the issue. Once we pinpoint the problem, we’ll immediately get to work on repairing the issue. In many cases, this means that certain parts will need to be replaced. To help ensure that the repairs are done as quickly as possible, we keep common replacement parts in our work vehicles. This way, we can get your AC back up and running ASAP. Along with thoroughly fixing the immediate problem, we’ll also inspect the rest of your AC system. If we discover anything that could soon become an issue, we’ll address it before it escalates. And before we leave, we’ll make sure that our work zone is properly cleaned up. Also, it’s very important to us that you thoroughly understand what you’re being billed for. We make sure to be fully transparent about any costs involved. AC Repair in Palm Desert, CA When you need AC service in Palm Desert and the surrounding area, contact PB Mechanical Air Services at (760) 292-3274. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment for any of your residential or commercial HVAC needs!
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